Monday, June 24, 2019

Published in Midwest Review!

I am so flattered that one of my collages was selected to be in the 2019 issue of Midwest Review (Midwest Review 7), an annual literary magazine founded in 2013 to showcase work by writers, photographers, and artists who live in, have lived in, or have spent time in the Midwest.

Midwest Review is a publication of the Department of Liberal Arts and Applied Studies (LAAS) within the UW–Madison Division of Continuing Studies.

Hold On There

The piece that appears on the magazine is a small collage entitled "Hold on There".

Midwest Review 7 includes selections of Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Arts & Photography, as well as the the 2018 Writers' Institute Contest winners. Copies of the magazine can be purchased on the Midwest Review website here.

Thank you to Angela Johnson and all the members of the Midwest Review Editorial Board.

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